2021 is the year of e-Everything

January 29, 2021
„e” can be read as electronic. Or externalized. Either way, it’s about evolution.
Customer Stories
Andrei Moldoveanu

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic in Europe is expected to replicate the effects of 2002-2004 SARS outbreak in Asia, which induced significant changes in purchase behavior, sparked the online commerce and turned Asia into the largest e-Commerce region, with the highest penetration and highest growth rate.

While many companies and people in Europe are still waiting for things to get back to normal, the most pragmatic ones went ahead of times and accepted the fact that we already live the new normal. The pandemic was just a wake-up call that the old ways will not work for long and change cannot be delayed anymore. From this point of view, 2020 was just a transition to a new paradigm.

In the volatile environment where we will still live and work, retailers need to rethink their business and the relationship with their customers. They need to become agile, flexible, fast, capable to adjust quickly, and turn challenges into opportunities as soon as they show-up.  

Digital technologies and open platforms play a significant role as enablers for fast adoption of new business processes, new working experiences, new customer journeys. And keep the transformation on time, within the budget, under control.

2021 will be the year of e-Commerce, e-Payments, e-Fulfillment, e-Communication, e-Transportation. Infrastructure, processes, labor, technologies, datasets, competences, experience and expertise, everything needed for logistics and retail transformation is embedded as externalized resources within digital platforms, all integrated with each-other and ready for implementation.

Within Postis Community, we partnered with top logistics, transportation and tech providers to make sure that our customers have immediately, the best resources at hand.

Changes in trade activities and digital transformation in retail have been discussed this week during the Supply Chain Reaction online event organized by ARILOG – The Romanian Logistics Association. Experts from retail, logistics and tech providers shared their experience and debated on what are the trends that will affect the market in 2021 and beyond. If you missed the event, you can see it below.

We thank to the experts who contributed to this event:

  • Adriana Pălășan - President ARILOG
  • Claudia Badea – Director cora Hypermarche Lujerului and Operations Director for eCommerce cora
  • Cătălin Cîrnaru - Supply Chain Manager Flanco Retail
  • Marius Panait - Managing Partner Entelion Software
  • Radu Țoncu - Chief Marketing Officer Postis

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